Tuesday, October 17, 2006
wc woes
Don't call me sick for posting this picture but I was kinda surprised at how much stains this person got in the toilet bowl.
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Haha! And there was this joke thing on the cubicle wall that says that poopie that leaves alot of skidmarks are those u get on the morning you wake up from alot of alcohol! Wonder if that's true.

Anyway talking about toilet bowls, I just can't understand why people cannot lift up the toilet seat when they pee in it. The guys here are like supposedly highly educated Undergrads and at least 20 years old, but they don't have any sense of social conscience! You know how to put down the toilet seat when you shit, but when it's time to pee you can't lift the seat up. Shame! So to those people, why not shit without putting down the toilet seat next time?