Tuesday, October 31, 2006
deal of the week!
Alot of you probably already know since the promo started like half a month ago, but for the benefit of the rest of you, Creative's website is selling the 1st generation Zen Neeon 6GB @ $149! Available in red, purple and grey.
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Of course you can already tell from the picture that you can't view photos or play videos in this, but it does have FM radio, line-in recording and a voice recorder.

Creative's constant iPod-poking was present at the Zen Neeon product site.
Life's never black or white - why should your player be any different?
Presumably attacking the previous generation nano. Maybe they should change it to life's more than just 5 colours, since the Neeon was produced in 10 colours.