By now most of us would've probably heard of Apple's switch to Intel processors and that they've replaced the iBook and Powerbook with the new MacBook and MacBook Pro models. However you should also know that the new MacBook actually is pretty good value, as long as you're not looking for a gaming machine.

A visit to the online Apple Store lists the most usefully specced model at $2112.60. Basic rundown of what it has:
2GHz Core Duo processor (with 1.66 or 1.83GHz being more common at this price level)
13.3" widescreen display
60GB SATA hard disk
SuperDrive (which in Apple talk is a DVD writer)
built in iSight webcam
brilliant iLife software
remote control and FrontRow software (much like a non-OS version of Windows Media Center)
and unfortunately, just 2 USB ports
So pretty much sufficient for someone who doesn't require a graphics card. Perfect schooling and entertainment non-professional laptop. An upgrade to 1GB RAM (2x512MB) and 80GB hard drive brings the price to $2346.75. Download BootCamp and you can run your Windows programmes immediately too! Asus' lighter 14" A8 is the most closely matched competitor, which gets you a dedicated graphics card but a slower processor and slightly less style at $2298.
Admittedly good value and stylish as it is, there was always a 'but' with Apple products. This time round it's the plastics that get discoloured within a month of usage. And all you iPod users should know how it feels when your beloved with gadget gets its first scratch.

This is what I got from the CNET website, and apparently it does look pretty bad and it's not an isolated case. This discolouration apparently happens to the commonly touch areas like the touchpad button and wrist rest area. Looks like the colour they used on the plastic isn't of a high grade. Also, I've been saying I don't quite like the feel of the keyboard. So think twice before rushing out to buy this thing. And please do not plonk for the black version 'cos you're paying over $200 more for the black paint.