Wednesday, July 12, 2006
botanic gardens
No idea when was the last time I went to the Botanic Gardens, but I did today. The most obvious entrance at the Napier Rd-Cluny Rd junction is not up yet. Anyway I was a little disappointed by the variety of flowers in the Gardens. Obviously I thought it be full of colours, but it isn't, and you have to pay to get into the Orchid Garden.

Anyway here are some of the pictures.
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taken at the tree lined Holland Rd just outside the Gardens too. it doesn't really show anything i know, i just wanted the blue sky backdrop.

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these 2 must've been the proudest moments of today. check out that bee in the one with the red flower!

the swan lake had a grand total of 3 swans.
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watch out! incoming swan straight ahead.

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look closely on the right side of the picture and u see a hand feeding the swans with bread. swan: gimme my bread!

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swan: ah.. there it is.

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then i spotted this odd star shaped plant. anyone care to venture a name for it?

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and there's this 5-petal flower that grows out like ixoras.

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wonders of science: dispersion of light! (did i use the right term?)

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i thought people who need wheelchairs already have one. who's going to loan one?

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so now you've seen the rule, please follow eh? do not be a nuisance in the Gardens. hah. and well, u can actually bring your other pets to poo all over the place.

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this shall be the parting shot. the heliconia.