+ ipod g5 +The 20GB coloured screen version of the 4th Gen iPod has just been introduced for all of 5 minutes before Steve Jobs announced the new Gen 5 model. Those who bought the 20GB Gen 4 iPod, look away right now, cos what follows ain't gonna please you.
Let's compare the 2 models!
iPod G5 2.5 inch 256k colour QVGA display
views 30 thumbnails, plays mpeg4 & H.264 videos 136g 103.5 x 61.8 x 11 mm 15hours battery life 30GB $548 | iPod G4 2 inch 65k colour display views 20 thumbnails 167g 104 x 61 x 16mm 15 hours battery life 20GB $528 |