Sunday, September 04, 2005
tech update
+ tech update +

For those of you out there who are either patriotic, affected by the style over substance comments iPods are still garnering, not won over by iRiver's high-ish pricing and wonder what Sony is doing with a somewhat passe inverted LED display, the MP3 player for you is here.
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The 8GB Creative Zen Micro Photo, according to cnet's website, will be available for pre-order in Singapore as you read this.
The size of the player is no bigger to that of the original Zen Micro (the Photo is in fact a mite thinner around the waist), a 262k colour display should show off pictures much better than the admittedly rather disappointing iPod screen (though the latter's screen is 0.5 inches bigger). Pricing wise, the Zen Micro Photo is expected to cost $469.