+ mental block +Haven't had any posts for the past few days due to mental block. Yes, it's pretty blank.
Then I realized it's not. Im just not in an excitable mood. Nothing special. A plateau of emotions. I know what I need. The butterflies-in-the-stomach, on-cloud-9 kind of sweetness and happiness one gets when he/she has a special someone. Some sugar-coated SMSes, holding hands, big hugs, I love 'em.
Yes, to be honest, I AM lonely.
I don't feel this all the time, but it's especially apparent this week or so. Think im getting old. Or too free. Hopefully the wait won't be too long.
And mum! Happy 50th! You're half a century old, missus.. So for tonight's dinner,

this is what you see at 10am. I'll try to whip up something edible by 7. :)