Tuesday, August 16, 2005
dolphins anyone?
+ dolphins anyone? +

Managed to snap this picture of dolphins in the wild, sorry if it's not very clear, I tried my best.. Hah.. Turns out that real dolphins in the sea do not jump crazily high out of the water.. Or maybe they didnt want to right in front of me..
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

And just a thought.. I think I'll look pretty decent with a nice set of teeth. Ooh, I can see the dentist brandishing a saw, some metal pieces and a huge hammer.

Also, local singer 蔡淳佳's 有你多好 kinda touched me.

Lastly, take a look at this. After looking at what other people did, im more convinced that the pictures I tried to take during the fireworks display were total flops.