Friday, July 15, 2005
+ home +

Event 1: Dinner with 4 gal pals at Newton Circus Food Centre. Grilled stingray, sambal squid, BIG prawns grilled with butter and garlic, shellfish in chili egg sauce, barbequed chicken wings and kai lan in oyster sauce. Ahhhhhh... What a feast.
Bring on more prawns~
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Apologies for taking the pictures halfway thru the meal though, I forgot to snap them earlier as I was busy devouring the food. Hah.

Event 2: Yes, I just can't help but show off my new gadgets.
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Sony Cybershot W5. Not a top end model, but 5.1 megapixels, 2.5" LCD, very good perceived quality and the availability of a manual mode overrides its downsides of being a little bigger and heavier than I'd have liked.
But at $500 (inclusive of taxes 256MB MS Pro) for that specs sheet, I'm not complaining.