+ working +Ok, people.. I've set some targets that I wanna achieve.. Together with the amount of time by which I'd like to accomplish them. So could you lovelies be so nice to give me a hand (or arm) if you're able to help?
1. Pick up the keyboard. I mean musical keyboard. Because I think I can type faster than the average human. (I think.) In general, I just want to be a little 'music-ficient' instead of musically de-ficient. Time allocated: 3months
2. Learn driving. Im gonna sign up soon. Would love for anyone to introduce a good private instructor. Should need that in a few months' time when im done with the theory parts. Targeted time to get class 3 license: By ORD date. That is 1 June 2006.
3. I need to be able to cook. No to-achieve-by date set for it. But asap will be great.
4. Tone up my body! For this I'll need someone to keep nagging at me to remind myself I've got to exercise everyday.
Im on track for #4 now.. A couple hundred of sit-ups and crunches per day down here shall do the trick. Will visit the gym when im back. I WANNA BE A HOTTIE!!
Whatever it is, I MUST achieve the above 4 things.
MUST. So wish me luck.
Im reading a book,
TShirt and Genes by
Richard Asplin. To sign off, here's a line from page 179.
It is always the best policy to speak the truth, unless of course you're an exceptionally good liar.