Believe it or not, I've never watched any Star Wars movie before.. Until today. Never really liked sci-fi movies that much.. Horrible dialogue, not much of real acting, tons of special effects make up the film.
What I watched is like something in the middle.. So my knowledge of the whole saga is almost zilch, but now I know how Darth Vader became himself and why he dons the horrible piece of metal outfit and has a burnt face. But I love Yoda. The way he speaks. Darn cool it is. Include an image of him at the end of the post i will. Oh yes, speaking of which.. I wonder why the gremlin looking jedi master needs a walking stick to help him walk but is able to hop around and deal out swift moves when he's fighting. Is he or is he not hindered in motion?
It's still not exactly my cup of tea, but there were parts that did make sense. Jedi vs Sith (star wars fans correct me if im wrong anywhere). Which is 'evil'? A jedi will think a sith is evil. A sith will think jedis are likewise. Explanation: both are trying to get rid of the other force they think is the spoiler and come into power, so in that sense they are actually not that different. Kinda like real life, ain't it.. It's difficult to judge on certain situations sometimes..
Oh, and Anakin Skywalker is the character with behaviour that's closest to real human beings. Blinded by love, greed, power, and everything. Captures the essence of selfishness of our specie. Excellent.
But still doesnt make me a fan of this whole thing. Still dont get all excited about light sabres and all.. However as promised, here's a picture of Yoda with his green beam of a sword. May the force be with the fans.