Secondary school life. So memorable, so sweet, so fun. The beginning of the real 'growing up' period. Lots of friends, some who promised to stay so for many more years to come. But someone JC came, ways parted and friendships got drained.
It usually takes something major or disastrous to happen to one of us or the maybe once-a-year get together organised by the same poor person/people for us to meet up again. But sometimes, even these couldn't make us keep in contact. Ok, perhaps you just want to be alone, or perhaps the friendship has turned into something more of an acquaintance..
Im not gonna just let some dearer friends drift away like this. Time to do something about it.
On another note, was flipping through the papers in the office today and there's a feature on the most popular local Blogs. And right on the cover page is no other than the lady whose blog my pal absolutely adores. Amazingly, she's got 8000 hits
per day! Check out for yourself if it's really that interesting to read