To the most important and greatest woman in my life, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
How can I ever thank u enough? Although u totally piss me off at times.. You're still great. You won't be seeing this coz u duno how to log on to the internet, but anyhow I hope u feel it. You made me smile when I didn't have the mood to. I really dunno how to repay you. Really don't. Some facts are just too hard for you to swallow.
Moving on..
Uncles are sick. They are either super exhibitionist, or they're just plain perverts. Quote Delta pool and Queenstown pool. At each place, an uncle half a step out of the shower cubicle while hosing down. And looking at other people in the changing room. Oh for god's sakes get a life. To the one in Delta, special mention needs to go to you coz u are simply sick. (Girls u might wanna turn away for awhile) Please freaking do not raise your willie up when you're showering. Thank you for your good intentions for giving those who might be interested a free show, but I guess 99.9% of us felt totally disgusted.
I don't want to be a sick uncle 20 years down the road.
I won't be.
Oh and by the way, think I need some sleeping pills. Would be appreciative of the kind souls who can tell me where i can get some. The sleeping problem is getting out of hand.