Thursday, April 28, 2005
An update on the sleep problem in case anyone is concerned.. I've successfully fell asleep after getting up to pee yesterday night.. Total number of hours slept is probably about 8+. Good progress.

Coming back to today's topic.

Why do people like to "tag" a title to the people around them? No, I don't mean sticking prices on them or calling them nicknames like 'fat bitch' or 'mister pretty'. I'm talking about tags like 'best friend', 'close friend', 'boyfriend', girlfriend', 'dating partner' blah blah..

Are these tags really so important? Yes and no in my opinion. Yes in the sense that it sorta marks out the territory that particular person in question takes up. In a relationship, doesnt it make u more assured of your importance to someone? And oh well, to make someone Believe that he/she is of a certain significance to you.. It works well too.. Never hurts to mix your words with some honey, does it?

On the other hand, lables don't exactly reflect on reality all the time. Ya the sweet talking with the 'dear', 'honey' and 'sweetie' may sound nice, but does everyone really mean it all the time or is it just becoming a punctuation in speech? What matters most is still how you treat each other, what you feel when you're with that person and stuff like that. Also, with my tiny knowledge of JC1 economics i remember the law of diminishing returns. Too much sweet talk becomes just talk.

So is my viewpoint to screw all the tags? Erm I'm not exactly sure myself. Maybe I will. Seeing 'dear' in every sms and start or end every reply message with the same thing will not be high on the list to show affection anymore. Tags are like candy.. They give you sugar rush, but too much of it causes tooth decay. If one must use sweet talk, words like 'I appreciate everything you do' or 'I love you' at the right time makes much more sense to me right now. Or better, show it in your actions. But most importantly, MEAN IT. Don't do things for the sake of doing them.

Ending soon..
I need some opinion.. How do you think this watch looks?
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Think its beauty will grow with time or will it look boring after a while? It's a mother's day gift idea. Not sure if I should get this. But she kinda expressed interest in it. Anyway, the day is 10 days away, in case some of you didnt know.

Time to sign off.